Cykling Kalorier Pr Km

Cyclist riding at a moderate effort level will burn approximately 650 calories per hour.
Cykling kalorier pr km. Calories burned biking cycling. However the precise number depends on a number of factors not all of which are easy to quantify. The number of calories burned cycling will depend on your weight the distance and speed you cycle and the type and level of terrain. Calories burned cycling calculator.
Retired person trying to stay fit. By the editors of bicycling. The calories burnt whilst cycling calculator shows how many calories you burn when cycling depending on the type of pace you set yourself when riding your bike the cycling calorie counter adjusts its results accordignly to provide an accurate total number of calories burned which is specific to your workout. The average person will burn 400 to 800 calories per hour bicycling.
The essential points to lose weight you need to create a calorie deficit. On a firm level surface biking at 10mph 6min mile or 16kph a 200 pound person is estimated to burn 649 calories per hour and a 150 pound. Different exercises and activities expend different calories for example walking slowly for 10 mins will burn far fewer calories than cycling at full speed for. I have been riding a stationary bike 120 minutes each day and have lost 15 pounds in 45 days.
Is this the calories burned with excercising and should i add the 2000 2500 of the base. Use this to estimate how many calories you burned on your last bike ride. 20 22 km h 3 minutes per km 2 72 minutes per km. 3 2020 07 03 10 16 female 30 years old level high school university grad student very.
On average a 180 lb. The notion that some calories are good while others are bad is. Calories burned cycling and weight loss. Oct 11 2019 cavan images getty images.
A calorie is a unit of energy calories are used to measure the energy in food we eat and the calories we burn through everyday activities and other exercise the calories eaten via food vary between the type and quantity of food eaten.